ESL Testing (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESL) Test is designed to measure the English skills of non-native English speakers.

For those students who may need to take the ESL test for proper placement, you may take the test on any of our three campuses during open testing hours. You will need to apply to UCNJ and receive a UCC ID number. Please arrive with a photo ID and allow approximately two (2) hours to complete the ESL test.

ESL Testing Schedules and Appointments

Call the ESL Office at 908-965-6031 or email for up-to-date ESL testing information.

ESL Testing FAQ’s

Who must take the ESL Test?
If your first language is not English and you have attended elementary and high school in a country outside of the United States, you may be required to take the ESL test. Your score on the ESL Test will be used to either place you into one of the ESL levels or out of the program altogether.

When can I take the ESL Test?
You do not need an appointment to take the ESL Test. You may test during the Center’s open hours. The ESL Test takes approximately two (2) hours to complete. You must bring a photo ID in order to test.

When will I get my ESL Test score/placement?
After finishing the ESL Test, you will receive an email with your placement from the Testing Center. If you want to know your results sooner, see an advisor at the One Stop on any campus or come to the IIE office on the 4th Floor in the Lessner Building in Elizabeth.

What if I test out of the program altogether?
If you are placed out of ESL based on your test score, you will be instructed on how to complete the Directed Self-Placement (DSP) surveys to determine appropriate placement in English and math courses

If you have questions about the ESL program, please contact the Institute for Intensive English (IIE) office at 908-965-6031.

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